BlueBin Blog

Welcome to the BlueBin blog! Please check back often for our take on healthcare supply chain and announcements on our kanban, analytics, and point-of-use products.

Avoid These 8 Common Hospital Inventory Management Barriers

There are 6,093 hospitals in the United States alone, and these hospitals need constant management...

Exploring the Benefits of Real-Time Visibility for Healthcare Inventory Management

In the United States, the healthcare industry employs 14% of the population. Healthcare inventory...

How to Streamline the Process of Healthcare Warehousing Fulfillment

Healthcare supply chain logistics involve many moving parts. The industry purchases and...

The Importance of Hospital Warehouse Management

The healthcare industry was valued at an impressive $808 billion in 2021, and since then, it has...

How to Set Up a Healthcare Asset Tracking System for Your Facility

Healthcare asset tracking is a critical function of a healthcare facility. Whether you are a...

The Benefits of Reducing Inventory Costs to a Hospital

Are you a hospital administrator looking for ways to reduce inventory costs?

How to Properly Improve Your Healthcare Inventory Management System

Did you know that the World Health Organization (WHO) predicts PPE would need to increase by 40% to

The Secret to Streamlining Healthcare Warehouse Inventory Management

The global supply chain shortage has impacted businesses. From manufacturers to retailers,...

Tips to Improve Hospital Warehousing

The Romans created the very first hospital in the world in the 4th century AD. Since then,...